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Fans Honor Fallen Ukrainian Soldier at Euro 2024 Match with Banner

Fans Honor Fallen Ukrainian Soldier at Euro 2024 Match with Banner

During the Ukraine-Belgium match at Euro 2024, fans unveiled a banner featuring the image of Nazarii “Hrinka” Hryntsevych, a deceased military serviceman and football supporter. The AI-generated portrait was synthesized from photos of 182 fallen Ukrainian soldiers who were also civilian fans of Ukrainian football clubs. Nazarii Hryntsevych, a resident of Vinnytsia, supported the local team “Niva”.

He celebrated his 19th birthday while defending Mariupol and subsequently spent four months in Russian captivity before returning to the front lines. Together with his comrades, he founded a unit where he commanded a squad of optical observers. He died in battle on May 6, 2024, at the age of 21.

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