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Russia Hits Civilian Car With a Drone, Injuring 5 People, Including 2 Children


Russia struck a civilian car in Kherson with a drone explosive, injuring 5 people, including two teenagers.

Under the procedural leadership of the Kherson District Prosecutor’s Office, a pre-trial investigation was started in criminal proceedings on the fact of violating the laws and customs of war

According to the investigation, on June 26 at around 19:00, the military forces of the Russian Federation dropped explosives from a drone on a civilian car in Kherson.

Five people, including two sisters aged 12 and 15, received injuries of varying degrees of severity. All the victims were hospitalized, and provided with medical assistance.

“Prosecutors are taking all the needed measures to document war crimes committed by representatives of the armed forces of the Russian Federation,” wrote the Kherson Regional Prosecutor’s Office.

Earlier yesterday, Russia shelled a humanitarian hub in Kherson during daylight hours, resulting in five people sustaining concussions.

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