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Russian Attack on Donetsk and Kherson Regions Kills 1, Injures 7

Russian Attack on Donetsk and Kherson Regions Kills 1, Injures 7
Source: Vadym Filashkin via Telegram

Russian forces struck settlements in Kherson and Donetsk regions on June 5, killing a person and injuring seven, reported by local authorities.

“In the Pivnichna Toretska community, Russian forces killed one person and wounded four others; they also damaged a store. All the wounded received first aid from paramedics and were taken to hospital. The enemy dropped two guided aerial bombs on Selydove — one person was wounded, an enterprise and two cars were damaged,” stated local Governor Vadym Filashkin.

Russian army also attacked Kherson region on the same morning of June 5.

“Two men, aged 58 and 47, were injured in a shelling attack while receiving humanitarian aid. The victims were taken to hospital. Doctors are examining them and providing them with assistance,” reports Kherson Region State Administration.

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