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Ukrainian Counterattacks Push Back Russians in Donbas and Kharkiv Regions, ISW Reports

Ukrainian Counterattacks Push Back Russians in Donbas and Kharkiv Regions, ISW Reports
Source: Konstiantyn Liberov

A report by the American Institute for the Study of War (ISW) indicates that Ukrainian counterattacks along the front are forcing Russia to transfer units from the Donetsk region to the Kharkiv region.

The ISW report cites Russian sources publishing geolocation footage supposedly showing the repelling of a Ukrainian counterattack northwest of Hlybokaye. Additionally, Russian military correspondents claim Ukrainian troops launched mechanized counteroffensives near Hlybokaye and from the direction of Tykhyi and the Aggregate plant area near Vovchansk (Northeast of Kharkiv).

Despite these defensive actions, the report further details ongoing Russian offensive operations north of Kharkiv in the Liptsov area and Northeast of Kharkiv near the center of Vovchansk and Vovchansk Khutors.

Additionally, on June 17, the spokesman of the Operational-Tactical Group of Kharkiv, Yurii Povkh, said that the Russian troops are moving parts of the 155th Separate Marine Infantry Brigade and the 18th Motorized Rifle Division to the Lyptsivsk direction to replace units that have completely lost their combat capability. It is noted that the Russians also reported similar actions of units of the 155th separate marine infantry brigade near Vovchansk.

Povkh also stated that since June 12-13, the Russians gathered additional military units for support in the Vovchansk direction, in particular, they called up the reserves of the 138th separate motorized rifle brigade. “The appearance of these elements in the Vovchansk area suggests a possible redeployment from the Donetsk direction to the Kharkiv direction to strengthen the Russian group in the Kharkiv region,” according to the statement.

Source: ISW
Source: ISW

The ISW reports that Russian forces have made progress west of Rozdolne, as confirmed by geolocation footage from June 17.

Additionally, ISW notes that Russian forces have recently advanced towards Chasiv Yar. “Geolocation footage published on June 17 shows that Russian forces have recently advanced southwest of Klishchiivka (Southeast of Chasiv Yar).”

Source: ISW
Source: ISW

On June 17, the Ukrainian Armed Forces Strategic Command reported that Ukrainian forces have struck 15 Russian S-300, S-350, and S-400 air defense installations in occupied Crimea since about May 1, 2024. It also reported that these Ukrainian strikes destroyed dozens of missile launchers, over 15 radar stations, and 10 command posts.

Ukrainian Armed Forces Naval Naval Spokesperson, Dmytro Pletenchuk, reported on June 17 that Ukraine’s strike campaign against Russian Black Sea Fleet assets has constrained Russia’s ability to operate in the Black Sea and conduct amphibious operations.

Since Ukraine gained permission to use Western-supplied weapons to strike military targets within the Russian territory, the evidence supports that the balance of power started to shift towards the Ukrainian side.

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