On July 23, a large-scale cyberattack initiated by the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine paralyzed key banking institutions and payment systems across Russia's territory.
This was reported by sources within the Main Intelligence Directorate.
Clients of major banks such as Sberbank, Alfa-Bank, Raiffeisen Bank, and VTB encountered issues or were unable to access online banking and digital services.
Additionally, Russia's national payment systems - "Fast Payment System (SBP)" and the National Payment Card System (NSPK) - were either blocked or significantly disrupted.
The cyberattack also impacted mobile operators, leading to disruptions in mobile communications and internet services: Beeline, MegaFon, Tele2, and Rostelecom were affected.
Russian authorities acknowledged the cyberattack, attributing it to "politically motivated hackers." Ukrainian intelligence indicates that the attack is ongoing and far from its conclusion.
Representatives from the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine commented on the situation, suggesting that their actions are assisting Russia in "returning to its roots" and abandoning "hostile liberal values" such as online services and the internet. They jokingly proposed that Russians switch to wooden abacuses, paper ledgers, and cave accounting practices.