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Canada Commits $15 Million in Aid for Reintegration of Displaced Children


Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada, announced new humanitarian aid for Ukraine at the Summit on Peace for Ukraine, currently taking place at the Bürgenstock resort in Switzerland:

“Canada is announcing $15 million in funding to support the reintegration of displaced children returning to Ukraine through improved child protection services and family-based care options in their schools, their playgrounds, and their communities. This funding will also improve access to justice for survivors of war crimes, among other measures,” stated Trudeau.

In response to Ukraine’s request, Switzerland has convened over 100 global delegations for the inaugural Summit on Peace for Ukraine, taking place in June 15-16, 2024, at the Bürgenstock resort.

This summit aims to advance the Ukrainian peace formula and other UN Charter-based proposals, fostering dialogue on achieving a comprehensive, just, and lasting peace.

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