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Polish Foreign Minister: Russia is Lying About Poland’s Plans to Annex Parts of Ukraine

1 min read

Polish Foreign Minister Radosław Sikorski pointed out the Russian propaganda trying to pit the Polish and Ukrainian nations against each other.

According to Polish radio station RMF FM, Sikorski commented on the matter while speaking in the Polish Sejm on Poland’s foreign policy priorities.

“Russia is lying about alleged Polish plans to annex part of Ukraine. Donbas is Ukraine, Crimea is Ukraine, Lviv, Volyn, and ancient Eastern Galicia are also Ukraine. Therefore, I repeat so that those in the Kremlin also hear this (proceeding to speak in Ukrainian — ed.): Lviv is Ukraine,” Sikorski said.

He stressed that Russian leaders and propagandists are attempting to create conflict between Poles and Ukrainians, but their efforts will not succeed.

“They will lose on this front as well,” said the Minister.

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