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Ukraine's Strategy for the Second Peace Summit Avoids Direct Contact with Russia


Ukraine is not seeking direct contact with Russia at the second Summit on Peace for Ukraine, but it is possible to use the experience of the Black Sea Grain Initiative.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Dmytro Kuleba, announced this on the air of the United News national telethon, commenting on the journalist's question about the format of the second Peace Summit and potential representatives of the Russian Federation at this event.

"We have a very successful experience of negotiations regarding the Black Sea Grain Initiative. At that time Ukraine held talks with Türkiye and the UN, then Türkiye and the UN held talks with Russia. The agreement looked like a document signed between Türkiye, the UN, and Ukraine, as well as Türkiye, the UN, and Russia," Kuleba said.

Kuleba noted that the Ukrainian side does not aspire to direct contact with Russia given all of its committed crimes and Russia’s strategic goal to destroy the Ukrainian state.

The Minister added that Kyiv is determined to hold the next Summit on Peace for Ukraine in one of the countries of the Global South.

"We are not only considering Saudi Arabia. We are really determined that the second Summit will be held in one of the countries of the so-called Global South. There are several players who are interested in holding it," said Kuleba.

He mentioned that the period between the first and second summits will be utilized for hosting thematic events in various countries worldwide, focusing on each aspect of the Peace Formula, aimed at solidifying "the strongest possible negotiating position."

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