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Ukraine Calls on Red Cross to Recover Bodies of Tortured Teenagers from Russian-Occupied Territory

2 min read

Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights Dmytro Lubinets has appealed to the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) for assistance in returning the bodies of two Ukrainian teenagers from Berdiansk, Tihran Ohannisian and Mykyta Khanhanov, who were killed by Russian forces in the summer of 2023.

Lubinets, Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights, highlighted that according to the Additional Protocol to the Geneva Conventions, parties in conflict are obligated to facilitate the return of remains upon the request of the opposing side or the relatives of the deceased. He emphasized that the ICRC is the only international organization with access to Ukraine’s temporarily occupied territories and is mandated to handle such repatriation and resolution tasks.

Previously, the teenagers had been accused of terrorism by Russian authorities and subjected to harsh treatment. Despite international calls for their release and demands from the European Parliament, they were unlawfully executed in Berdiansk in June 2023. Now, the Russian side refuses to return their bodies, planning instead to bury them secretly.

Tihran in the last video. Source: Tihran Ohannisian
Tihran in the last video. Source: Tihran Ohannisian

“This situation highlights the impunity of Russia and the failure of responsible international bodies,” Lubinets stated. “They not only failed to release these boys but, contrary to all norms, executed them and now deny them a dignified burial.”

Lubinets urged the ICRC to intervene promptly to enable the families to bury their children with respect and dignity.

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