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US Announces New Arms Deliveries to Ukraine in the Coming Weeks

1 min read

The United States plans to announce more military aid for Ukraine in the coming weeks, as announced by State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller during a briefing on May 9.

According to the State Department representative, what Washington can do as a partner to Kyiv is to continue its military and economic support, “and above all, do everything in our power to enable Ukraine to stand on its own two feet.”

“You have seen us implement a number of policies in that regard,” Miller said, adding that “there will be more announcements” in the coming weeks.

The State Department dictionary reminded about the recently adopted package of additional financing for Ukraine in Congress. Earlier, Miller stated that the United States is working on preparing a new package of defense assistance for Ukraine within the funding provided to Kyiv.

Prior to this, Pentagon chief Lloyd Austin stated that it is too early to speak about the battlefield effect of the funding provided to Ukraine and that time is needed for Kyiv to take advantage of some of the allocated opportunities.

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