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Finland Calls for Russia’s Immediate Removal from the UN

Finland Calls for Russia’s Immediate Removal from the UN
Ambassador Vassily Nebezia of Russia attends the Security Council meeting on maintenance of peace and security of Ukraine at UN Headquarters. (Source: Getty Images)

Finnish President Alexander Stubb has called for the suspension of membership for any country engaged in an "illegal war," such as Russia's invasion of Ukraine, expansion of the UN Security Council, and the abolition of its single veto power.

This was reported by Reuters on September 17.

Alexander Stubb stated that any participant conducting an illegal war, "such as Russia is currently waging in Ukraine," should be excluded.

Any changes to the membership of the Security Council must be approved by two-thirds of the General Assembly, including the five veto-wielding members.

The Security Council currently has 5 permanent members, the US, China, France, Russia, and the UK, each member holds veto power over any resolution.

"No single state should have veto power in the UN Security Council," Stubb told Reuters.

The Finnish President also urged support for Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, who is set to address the UN assembly next week regarding his victory plan for Ukraine.

Stubb announced that he will support calls for reform during next week’s UN General Assembly in New York, where the composition of the Security Council will be a key topic of discussion.

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