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German Intelligence Accuses Russia of Widespread Cyberattacks on NATO and EU

German Intelligence Accuses Russia of Widespread Cyberattacks on NATO and EU
Illustration photo. Russian flag on a laptop screen and binary code displayed. (Source: Getty Images)

Germany’s Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution (BfV) has issued a warning about increased cyberattacks conducted by a Russian military intelligence unit, known as GRU Unit 29155. This group is accused of targeting NATO and EU countries, as well as other global institutions, for espionage, sabotage, and reputational damage.

The BfV, in collaboration with international cybersecurity partners including the FBI, CISA, and NSA, released this warning. The report highlights the GRU unit’s activities, which have been ongoing since at least 2020.

According to BBC, GRU Unit 29155, also referred to as Cadet Blizzard or Ember Bear, has been involved in various cyber operations against critical infrastructure. Their targets have included public services, finance, transportation, energy, and health sectors. The unit is linked to the WhisperGate malware attacks against Ukrainian organizations in January 2022, a month before Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Additionally, the group is suspected of orchestrating cyberattacks against Germany’s ruling Social Democrats (SPD) and several companies in the IT, logistics, and aerospace sectors. The unit has also been implicated in the 2018 poisoning of Sergei Skripal and his daughter in the UK.

The unit’s cyber operations have reportedly shifted towards disrupting aid efforts to Ukraine and targeting key infrastructure in various regions

Earlier, both the US and EU have issued ongoing official warnings regarding Russian cyberattacks and online disinformation campaigns, including those aimed at election interference and other forms of destabilization.

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