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Guardian Publishes Open Letter Warning Against Granting Ukraine a NATO Membership

Flags of member countries near the NATO headquarters in Brussels. (Source: NATO website)
Flags of member countries near the NATO headquarters in Brussels. (Source: NATO website)

The Guardian published an open letter from a number of experts, and representatives of universities in various European and American countries, in which they call on Ukraine not to join NATO. 

“If Ukraine were to join NATO, Russia would have reason to doubt the credibility of NATO’s security guarantee – and would gain an opportunity to test and potentially rupture the alliance. The result could be a direct NATO-Russia war or the unraveling of NATO itself.”

This thought is not popular in Ukraine. On the contrary, NATO’s current policy of "strategic ambiguity" regarding Ukraine’s future NATO membership is seen as a factor that encourages Russia to attack Ukraine in order to maintain it within its sphere of influence.

“Ukrainians deserve to weigh their strategic options through clear eyes, not through rose-tinted glasses held out by outsiders who do not have the support of their countries,” the joint letter stated.

The concept of future NATO membership enjoys widespread endorsement across Ukraine. Joining NATO is expected to uplift Ukrainian morale and diminish the morale of the Russian military. 

This letter opposing Ukraine’s membership in NATO comes a day before NATO’s 75th Summit which is expected to demonstrate alliance solidarity and the need to provide additional defense to Ukraine.

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