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Prisoners Seize Russian Colony, Killing At Least 1 Guard and Demanding $2 Million and Helicopter

Prisoners Seize Russian Colony, Killing At Least 1 Guard and Demanding $2 Million and Helicopter
Volgograd Penal Colony No 19, Russia. (Photo: open source)

A violent uprising has erupted in a correctional colony in Russia’s Volgograd region, resulting in the death of at least one worker and injuries to several others.

The incident occurred at Volgograd Penal Colony No. 19 in Surovikino, where inmates launched an attack during a meeting of the disciplinary commission. According to reports, three prisoners led the assault, seizing several colony workers. Russian Telegram channels have reported that the attackers are demanding a helicopter and $2 million in exchange for the hostages.

Graphic footage showing killed in Volgograd Penal Colony, Russia. August 23, 2024. (Source: TASS)
Graphic footage showing killed in Volgograd Penal Colony, Russia. August 23, 2024. (Source: TASS)

It is also being reported that the prisoners involved had managed to purchase knives from Federal Penitentiary Service employees, paying 3,000 rubles (32 USD) per blade. During the attack, the inmates took up to five employees hostage. The attackers, who have preliminarily been identified as four individuals, claimed allegiance to the ISIS terrorist organization.

Special forces have since been dispatched to the colony, which houses 1,230 prisoners. The head of the colony is among those injured in the assault.

The identities of the alleged attackers have been established as Temur Khusinov, born in 1995, Rustam Navruzi, born in 2001, and Ramzindin Toshev, born in 1995.

Photos of suspected attackers in Volgograd Penal Colony. (Source: Baza)
Photos of suspected attackers in Volgograd Penal Colony. (Source: Baza)

The Federal Penitentiary Service reports that efforts are currently underway to free the hostages, and there have been casualties. In response to the crisis, a team from the central office of the Federal Penitentiary Service has been dispatched to the region to conduct an investigation and manage the situation.

In a bid to negotiate with the prisoners, who have taken several correctional officers hostage, a mullah from the Volgograd mosque is expected to arrive shortly. The mullah’s presence indicates a possible attempt to use religious dialogue to defuse the situation, as the hostages are reportedly being held by prisoners who have claimed allegiance to a banned terrorist group.

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