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Ukraine Set to Begin EU Accession Talks on June 25, Foreign Minister Announces


On Monday, June 24, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba announced that negotiations for joining the EU will start on June 25.

The Foreign Minister reported that he had addressed the EU Foreign Affairs Council earlier in the day.

“I thanked 27 EU member states for approving Ukraine’s and Moldova’s negotiating frameworks. Our EU accession talks will kick off tomorrow,” he stated.

Kuleba emphasized the significance of the EU’s 14th package of sanctions in further undermining the military economy of Russian self-proclaimed President Vladimir Putin and applauded the EU’s recent actions in utilizing frozen Russian assets in Ukraine’s favor.

The Foreign Minister also stressed the need to expedite military aid deliveries, especially air defense, and expand defense industrial output.

“We can and must defeat Russian aggression on Ukrainian soil to ensure long-term peace and stability throughout Europe,” Kuleba concluded.

At the end of May 2024, it was reported that officials from the EU and Ukraine are pushing to begin formal accession negotiations as early as June 25. On June 21, it became official that the EU Council has given the green light to negotiations with Ukraine and Moldova, paving the way for their formal accession to the bloc.

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