War in Ukraine

Ukraine’s Rescue Parachute Team Training in Action, in Photos

Ukraine’s Rescue Parachute Team Training in Action, in Photos

Ukrainian aviation rescuers sharpened their battlefield response skills in high-stakes training sessions designed to perfect life-saving maneuvers.

1 min read
Mykyta Shandyba

Rescuers practiced swift deployment methods for aid and evacuation, mastering parachute jumps, descent devices, and onboard winch operations. Air evacuation drills featuring helicopter suspensions and stretchers pushed them to hone precision under pressure. Knowing lives are on the line, every service member delivered flawlessly. 

Between drills, they snacked and reviewed tactics. During jumps, they exited the helicopter calmly and guided their parachutes to hit target zones. Everyone excelled, each in their role.

Rescuers signal their readiness for the training flight with a raised hand. (Photo: Mykyta Shandyba)
Rescuers signal their readiness for the training flight with a raised hand. (Photo: Mykyta Shandyba)
Rescue and landing team flight using the “Kanat-1” system with aviation stretchers for evacuating a critically injured person. (Photo: Mykyta Shandyba)
Rescue and landing team flight using the “Kanat-1” system with aviation stretchers for evacuating a critically injured person. (Photo: Mykyta Shandyba)
Training jumps from the helicopter to the accident site to deliver urgent aid to the injured. (Photo: Mykyta Shandyba)
Training jumps from the helicopter to the accident site to deliver urgent aid to the injured. (Photo: Mykyta Shandyba)
Paired training jump from the helicopter. (Photo: Mykyta Shandyba)
Paired training jump from the helicopter. (Photo: Mykyta Shandyba)
Each soldier’s jump is monitored and secured by an onboard crew member. (Photo: Mykyta Shandyba)
Each soldier’s jump is monitored and secured by an onboard crew member. (Photo: Mykyta Shandyba)
Training flight using the external suspension for parachute and landing troops. (Photo: Mykyta Shandyba)
Training flight using the external suspension for parachute and landing troops. (Photo: Mykyta Shandyba)
After a successful landing, parachute troops exchange quick congratulations. (Photo: Mykyta Shandyba)
After a successful landing, parachute troops exchange quick congratulations. (Photo: Mykyta Shandyba)
After landing, soldiers gather their parachutes and head to the starting point for debriefing and packing. (Photo: Mykyta Shandyba)
After landing, soldiers gather their parachutes and head to the starting point for debriefing and packing. (Photo: Mykyta Shandyba)
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