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Azov Brigade Hails US Arms Ban Lift as Victory Over Russian Propaganda

1 min read

In a recent video address, Lieutenant Colonel Denys Prokopenko, commander of the Azov National Guard Brigade, expressed his gratitude to the Biden administration for lifting the ban on supplying arms to the unit.

“I want to congratulate all the fighters of the 12th Special Purpose Brigade Azov and the entire civilized world on our victory over Russian propaganda,” Prokopenko stated.

“I am grateful to the United States for their careful consideration of this matter and the correct decision, which will significantly strengthen our unit, and, by extension, all the Defense and Security Forces of Ukraine,” he added.

On May 10, the State Department revealed that the Biden administration would allow the 12th Special Purpose Brigade Azov of the Ukrainian National Guard to use weapons provided by the US.

The decision followed after revising a long-standing policy, the Leahy Law, which prohibits providing the US military aid to foreign units, credibly found to have committed significant human rights violations. This legislation is named after its author, former Senator Patrick Leahy.

In 2014, the United States prohibited the Azov Brigade from accessing American weaponry because US officials believed some of its founders allegedly held right-wing nationalist ideologies.

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