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Russia Proposes Criminal Penalties for "Russophobia" in New Legal Amendment

Russia Proposes Criminal Penalties for "Russophobia" in New Legal Amendment
Illustrative photo of Russian Parliament. (Photo: Open sources)

Russian authorities are planning to amend the Criminal Code to introduce penalties for "Russophobia," which is defined as discrimination against Russian citizens and residents abroad by foreigners and foreign officials, or calls for such actions.

On September 23, the Interfax news agency reported that it had obtained a government document approving a draft law prepared by a group of lawmakers. According to the draft, individuals accused of Russophobia could be tried in absentia.

The draft law proposes that the punishment for Russophobia would include barring convicted individuals from holding certain positions or engaging in specific activities in Russia. However, the government noted that this measure would be ineffective since it targets individuals living outside Russia.

Russian parliament approved the draft but suggested that the proposed punishment for those convicted of Russophobia should be reconsidered.

The new article in the Criminal Code would focus exclusively on cases of Russophobia abroad, but the document does not clearly define what constitutes discrimination against Russian citizens or residents.

In recent years, particularly following Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, Russian officials have frequently accused Western governments of “Russophobia.” Russian leader Vladimir Putin has publicly referred to the "cancellation of Russian culture" in the West.

Some Russian officials, including those from the Foreign Ministry, have labeled Western sanctions imposed on Russian officials and entities in response to the invasion as expressions of Russophobia.

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