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As the NATO Summit Approaches, US-UK Disagree Over Ukraine’s Membership Path


The United States and the United Kingdom are at odds over Ukraine’s potential NATO membership, with US officials cautioning against describing Ukraine’s path to membership as “irreversible.” This stance contrasts with the UK’s support, along with some European states, for using such definitive terms to describe Ukraine’s NATO journey, as reported by CNN.

The upcoming NATO summit in Washington DC is expected to address Ukraine’s accession plans, but without committing to a specific timeline for membership. While the UK and certain Eastern European nations advocate for firm assurances to Ukraine, the US prefers language that emphasizes a secure and clear pathway to membership, without fixed deadlines.

The issue remains contentious within NATO, with concerns raised over potential Russian reactions and Ukraine’s readiness to meet NATO’s membership criteria, particularly in governance and anti-corruption reforms.

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has consistently pressed for a clear timeline, arguing that NATO membership would enhance Ukraine’s security amid ongoing war with Russia. However, the alliance remains cautious about the implications of setting deadlines that could escalate tensions without a peaceful resolution.

As discussions intensify leading up to the NATO summit, set to take place between 9-11 July, the alliance aims to navigate these differing perspectives to craft a unified position that balances support for Ukraine with broader strategic considerations within NATO.

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