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Debunking Tucker Carlson’s Wild Lies About Zelenskyy and Ukraine

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Debunking Tucker Carlson’s Wild Lies About Zelenskyy and Ukraine
American political commentator Tucker Carlson and British journalist Piers Morgan. (Source: Youtube)

In a January 31 interview with British journalist Piers Morgan, American political commentator Tucker Carlson referred to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy as a “dictator.” Throughout the conversation, Carlson made 74 false claims, contributing to the spread of misinformation.

UNITED24 Media team has compiled an article debunking several of Carlson’s lies and the disinformation propagated by the former Fox News host.

1. Zelenskyy is not a democratically elected leader and is not legitimate

Carlson’s claim: “Zelenskyy is obviously not elected either,” Carlson says, comparing the Ukrainian President to Putin. “The first feature of a dictator is that he is not elected, Zelenskyy is not elected.”

Fact: According to political scientist Taras Rad, holding elections during martial law and full-scale aggression violates international standards, Ukraine’s commitments, and its Constitution.

“The postponement of parliamentary, presidential, or local elections during the legal regime of martial law is legal, democratic, and legitimate,” Rad stated.

Zelenskyy was democratically elected in 2019 with 73% of the vote in free and fair elections.

2. Zelenskyy has banned a religious denomination in Ukraine

Carlson’s claim: “He [Zelenskyy] has also banned religious denominations.” He has murdered his political opponents. He has banned a language group. These all seem like features of a dictatorship to me.”

The religious landscape of Ukraine is quite diverse, with Muslims, Jews, and other groups among the predominantly Christian population. This has been formed historically as citizens in Ukraine have the freedom of thought and religious belief.

Fact: On August 24, 2024, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy signed a law that prohibits the activities of religious organizations connected to Russia in Ukraine, particularly, the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate. This was carried out under the directives of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine.

Patriarch Kirill, the head of the Russian Orthodox Church, is widely recognized for his strong support of Vladimir Putin and Russia’s ongoing war in Ukraine.

Representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church bless military equipment and ammunition. (Source: Russian media)
Representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church bless military equipment and ammunition. (Source: Russian media)

3. Zelenskyy is killing his political opponents

Carlson’s claim: “He [Zelenskyy] has murdered his political opponents,” Carlson said.

Fact: There are no official released documents or data provided by the US or other countries confirming this claim.

4. Zelenskyy has banned a language group in Ukraine

Carlson’s claim: “He [Zelenskyy] has banned a language group.”

Fact: The Russian language was never banned in Ukraine. The claims of Russian propagandists regarding the discrimination of Russian speakers are simply not based on facts.

On April 25, 2019, the Verkhovna Rada  of Ukraine adopted the Law of Ukraine “On ensuring the functioning of the Ukrainian language as the state language”.

The main objective of the law is to eradicate the remnants of discriminatory practices toward the Ukrainian language, which are a legacy of the Russian Empire and the USSR.

According to the Democratic Initiatives Foundation (DIF), a survey carried out by the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology in April 2014 found that 72% of people in the south-eastern regions did not agree that the rights of Russian speakers were violated.

DIF highlights that a quick review of the ‘language law’ disproves the distortions put forward by Moscow. For instance, Article 2.2 explicitly states that the law does not apply to private communication or religious ceremonies.

5. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine would not have started if the US had made it clear to Putin that Ukraine would not join NATO

Carlson’s claim: “Russia would not have invaded eastern Ukraine if the Biden administration had not sent Kamala Harris to the Munich Security Conference in February of 2022 to say to Zelenskyy on Camera, we’re going to make you a NATO country, meaning we’re going to put American NATO arms on the Russian border.”

Fact: NATO, in its nature, is a defensive alliance focused on deterring aggression and ensuring the protection of all its members in the event of an attack.

“NATO does not seek confrontation and poses no threat to Russia, or any other nation. NATO did not invade Georgia in 2008. Russia did. NATO did not invade Ukraine in 2014, and again in 2022. Russia did,” a press release on de-bunking Russian disinformation on NATO stated.

Carlson’s claim: “It’s not a theory to say that Russia moved into eastern Ukraine because the United States wouldn’t give up on pushing for Ukraine’s admission into NATO when NATO did not want Ukraine, which is also a criteria for admission,” Carlson claimed during the interview.

Fact: All 32 NATO Allies have agreed that Ukraine will eventually become a member of the Alliance, since NATO upholds the right of every nation, including Ukraine, to determine its own security arrangements.

“NATO's door remains open. Ukraine, as the country who wishes to join and NATO Allies decide on NATO membership. Russia does not have a veto,” a NATO press release reads.

Additionally, on March 3- April 1, 2008, US President George W. Bush visited Kyiv, where he expressed strong support for Ukraine’s aspirations to join NATO and emphasized the deepening partnership between the two nations, saying, “Your sovereign nation has a friend and a solid partner in the United States.”

6. Ukraine had a coup, sponsored by the CIA, in 2014

Carlson’s claim: “Ukraine had a coup, sponsored by the United States government, the CIA, in 2014. So everything that happened subsequent to that, I don’t think we could call part of the democratic process.”

Fact: The 2014 Revolution of Dignity was a grassroots movement protesting then-President Yanukovych’s corruption and his rejection of an EU trade deal in favor of closer ties with Russia. After Yanukovych fled the country, Ukraine’s parliament legally removed him, and free democratic elections were held in 2014 and 2019.

This was not a coup, but a democratic transition. The US did not install Ukraine’s government.

7. Russia’s invasion is justified because Zelenskyy is not a legitimate President

Carlson’s claim: “How is Russia’s invasion more illegal than running a country without an election and banning a religious denomination? I don’t understand that.”

Fact: Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is a violation of international law, including the UN Charter, as it involved unprovoked military aggression and the violation of Ukraine’s sovereignty. Ukraine’s actions regarding elections and religious groups are within its sovereign rights, particularly in response to Russia’s invasion and national security concerns.

The comparison is misleading, as Russia’s invasion is an act of unjustified aggression, while Ukraine’s policies are based on lawful governance during wartime.

8. Zelenskyy is a dictator with biological weapons

Carlson’s claim: “I mean, there are bio labs in Ukraine. What are bio labs doing in Ukraine, do you think? [Zelenskyy] is a dictator with bio weapons.”

Fact: Ukraine’s biological labs are dedicated to legitimate research focused on disease prevention, public health, and reducing biological threats, not creating them. These labs collaborate with international organizations, including the World Health Organization and the US Department of Defense, to enhance global health security.

9. Crimea is Russian and wants to remain part of the Russian Federation

Carlson’s claim: “The people of Crimea are Russian and want to remain part of the Russian Federation. So he didn’t take Crimea. It’s Russian. It’s filled with Russians. They had a referendum that nobody disputes. People should be allowed to choose their own government.

Fact: In 2014, Russia illegally annexed Crimea after a referendum held under military occupation, without international oversight or recognition. The UN General Assembly passed a resolution affirming Ukraine’s sovereignty over Crimea and declaring the annexation invalid.

Many Crimean Tatars and Ukrainian citizens in the region oppose Russian rule and have been subjected to repression, forced displacement, and human rights abuses.

10. Zelenskyy steals aid and allows his generals to sell half the missiles to Iran and Mexican drug cartels and the black market

Carlson’s claim: “When [Zelenskyy] assassinated his political opponents or when he steals USAID or he allows his generals to sell half the missiles they get from the United States, the Mexican drug cartels, and Iran, and everyone else in the black market, is that inspiring? Well, you’re making a lot of allegations against him. Those are facts.”

Fact: Ukraine’s military aid is closely monitored by international partners, including the United States and European Union, with strict oversight mechanisms in place to ensure that the assistance reaches the Ukrainian military and is used for its defense against Russian aggression. There is no credible evidence to support these accusations.

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Parliament of Ukraine