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Mysterious Break-Ins at Finnish Water Plants May be Linked to Russian Sabotage

Mysterious Break-Ins at Finnish Water Plants May be Linked to Russian Sabotage
Finnish soldiers are seen during the Aurora 23 joint military exercise of Swedish amphibious soldiers and Finnish amphibious soldiers from the Nylands brigade at Berga naval base outside Stockholm on April 28, 2023. (Source: Getty Images)

Last summer, a series of mysterious break-ins at water treatment plants and towers across Finland has sparked concerns that the incidents may be part of a wider gray-zone operation by Russia, Foreign Policy reported.

While nothing has been stolen, the nature of the break-ins has raised alarms that the perpetrators may be scouting for future sabotage or attempting to create public fear about the safety of the country’s water supply.

The first incidents occurred in the coastal town of Porvoo, followed by similar attempts in Sipoo near Helsinki.

Finnish authorities have reported at least 11 break-ins by mid-July, none of which targeted the most critical water infrastructure, which is heavily secured. Despite increased surveillance and security measures, no suspects have been apprehended, and the identity of those behind the break-ins remains unclear.

Military experts suggest that these incidents are unlikely to be the work of ordinary criminals or environmental extremists. Retired Finnish Major General Pekka Toveri, formerly chief of military intelligence, noted that typical thieves would have little interest in water plants, which are hard to access and hold little monetary value. Instead, the intrusions seem to be part of a more strategic effort to create insecurity among the Finnish population.

He believes that Russia could be behind the attacks. “One goal of Russia’s gray-zone aggression is to create fear,” said Toveri.

Since Finland joined NATO, experts suggest Russia may be seeking ways to pressure the country without direct military action. Before Finland and Sweden joined the alliance, the Kremlin warned of consequences. Despite being focused on the war in Ukraine, Russia continues to undermine its neighbors through nonmilitary tactics.

In response, Finnish city councils are enhancing security at water facilities, increasing fencing, and improving camera surveillance. Authorities are determined to prevent further incidents and ensure the public’s trust in the country’s infrastructure.

While the immediate threat has been contained, experts warn that Finland must remain vigilant, as gray-zone tactics—often used to destabilize without overt conflict—are likely to persist.

Earlier, it became known that Finland will host NATO’s land command in Northern Europe, which will operate under the NATO Joint Command in Norfolk, Virginia.

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