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Ukraine Could Join NATO with Occupied Territories, Says Stoltenberg

Ukraine Could Join NATO with Occupied Territories, Says Stoltenberg
Former NATO Secretary Jens Stoltenberg holds a press conference during the 2024 NATO Summit in Washington, D.C., on July 10, 2024. (Source: Getty Images)

In a recent interview with the Financial Times, former NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg outlined a scenario in which Ukraine could become a member of the alliance, even if some of its territories remain occupied.

Stoltenberg emphasized that solutions exist for addressing the implications of Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty, which pertains to collective defense. He provided examples to illustrate his point, comparing Ukraine’s situation to Japan, which enjoys U.S. security guarantees that do not extend to the Kuril Islands—territory Japan considers its own but is currently controlled by Russia. He also referenced West Germany during the Cold War, which regarded East Germany as part of a unified nation, despite NATO’s defense obligations only applying to West Germany.

He stated, “When there is political will, there are ways to find solutions. However, there needs to be a clear boundary that defines where Article 5 applies, and Ukraine must maintain control over all territories leading up to that boundary.”

Stoltenberg reiterated that any decision regarding Ukraine’s NATO membership, particularly in relation to occupied territories, must be collectively decided by all NATO allies.

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