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In Russia, Immigrants are Forcibly Enlisted and Sent to Fight in Ukraine

2 min read

Russian authorities have identified over 30,000 recent immigrants who received Russian citizenship but have not registered for military service and has begun to send them to fight in Ukraine.

According to Alexander Bastrykin, Chairman of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, “already about 10 thousand” individuals have been sent to fight in Ukraine, after being forcibly enlisted with the military.

“We began to implement the provisions of the Constitution and our laws that individuals, who have received citizenship must register with the military and, if necessary, take part in a special military operation,” Bastrykin made this statement during a speech at the St. Petersburg International Legal Forum on June 27.

He justifies the practice by stating these individuals will be assigned to “digging trenches and creating fortifications,” essentially acting as manual labor for the war effort. “They tell us: ‘Why do we need these comrades there? ’ — to dig trenches and create fortifications. This requires really good workers. Today they are joining the ranks of our rear units,” according to him.

In his speech, Bastrykin advocated for a revised migration policy in Russia. He argued that national security considerations should be paramount when hiring migrant workers. He further proposed developing a system for internal migration, drawing on experiences from the Soviet era to ensure a decent standard of living for compatriots.

Russian law enforcement agencies reportedly conduct raids on workplaces employing migrant workers. These workers are then either issued summonses or taken to military recruitment centers. There are also reports of undocumented migrants being offered expedited Russian passports in exchange for signing military contracts.

In a similar practice, Russian authorities coerced thousands of migrants and foreign students into joining Russian troops, threatening African students and young workers with visa non-renewal unless they enlist.

Additionally, reports by Ukrainian intelligence showed mercenaries from Nepal deserting from the Russian army, facing extrajudicial executions for refusing to carry out orders, as well as non-payment.

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