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Lifting the Sanctions of Russian Oligarchs Must Stop, Says Zelenskyy


President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy warned Western partners at the sidelines of the European Council summit in Brussels against lifting sanctions on Russian oligarchs.

Zelenskyy stated that these sanctions should instead be strengthened because their funds sponsor Russian self-proclaimed President Vladimir Putin's regime.

During his address, Zelenskyy welcomed the decision to transfer profits from Russian assets to Ukraine. As he noted, all enemy assets should work to protect lives. At the same time, partners need to find proper ways to confiscate all frozen funds.

"It would be fair for the assets of a state-terrorist to protect Ukraine. All of Russia's assets should be used to protect lives in Ukraine. We need to find the right way - how to confiscate all these assets," Zelenskyy stated.

"Currently, we see sanctions being lifted from Russian oligarchs. We must stop this and strengthen sanctions because it is these funds that sustain the Putin regime," he added.

On June 13, The Group of Seven (G7) leaders have publicly confirmed an agreement to provide Ukraine with a $50 billion loan by the end of the year, with repayment expected from the interest generated by approximately $300 billion in frozen Russian assets.

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