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Mattityahu Anton Samborskyi, Son of Ukraine’s Chief Rabbi, Killed in Action


Mattityahu Anton Samborskyi, the son of the Chief Rabbi of Ukraine, was killed in action while defending Ukraine. 

Anton (Mattityahu) Samborskyi, the son of the Chief Rabbi of Ukraine, was killed in action while defending Ukraine. (Source: chiefrabbiua / Facebook)
Anton (Mattityahu) Samborskyi, the son of the Chief Rabbi of Ukraine, was killed in action while defending Ukraine. (Source: chiefrabbiua / Facebook)

The Farewell ceremony will take place on September 12 in Kyiv’s Central Synagogue.

Moshe Azman, the Chief Rabbi of Ukraine, wrote on his official page on Facebook that the last time he spoke with Mattityahu was on July 17. 

“On July 24, during the battle, he went missing. His wife received an official document…” wrote Azman.

Anton (Mattityahu) Samborskyi and Moshe Azman, the Chief Rabbi of Ukraine. (Source: chiefrabbiua / Facebook)
Anton (Mattityahu) Samborskyi and Moshe Azman, the Chief Rabbi of Ukraine. (Source: chiefrabbiua / Facebook)

The Rabbi's family adopted Mattityahu in 2002 when he was 11 years old. The orphaned boy's name was Anton Samborskyi, and the Azman family gave the son the Jewish name Mattityahu (Motya).

Mattityahu left his wife and a small daughter, who was born in May 2024.

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