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Russian Oil Depot On Fire in Rostov Region


Fires broke out at oil depots in Russia’s Rostov region early on Wednesday, August 28.

On the night of August 28, around 3 am, fires broke out at oil depots in the Rostov region of Russia.

The Governor of the Rostov region, Vasiliy Golubev, reported 4 UAVs being downed and a fire breaking out at a fuel depot in Kamensky District.

Videos posted by local residents on Russian social media show several tanks on fire at the oil depot.

According to preliminary information, the "Atlas" plant of the Federal Agency for State Reserves is on fire. This oil base was directly used to supply the Russian army with fuel.

Ukraine has been successfully carrying out strikes on Russian military targets, including oil depots, airfields and vessels. On the night of August 9, the Security Service of Ukraine, in cooperation with the Armed Forces and Special Operations Forces, struck the Russian military airfield "Lipetsk-2."

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