Amid the ongoing full-scale war in Ukraine, the Ratel N robot, designed for evacuating wounded soldiers from the battlefield, has successfully completed field trials and entered mass production. This was announced by Ukraine’s Minister of Digital Transformation, Mykhailo Fedorov, on social media.
The Ratel N robot, developed by members of the Brave1 defense cluster, is intended for transporting casualties. According to Fedorov, the robot can carry over 400 kg of live load, enabling it to transport several injured personnel at once. Its design allows it to navigate difficult terrain and operate quietly, making it less detectable by the enemy.
“Ratel N is equipped with night vision cameras, allowing it to perform effectively in low visibility conditions and at night,” Fedorov noted.
The robot can be fitted with various modules, including electronic warfare systems (EWS), mobile observation posts, combat modules, or demining equipment. With satellite communication capabilities, it can be operated from a significant distance.
“Ratel N has already undergone field trials and received positive feedback from the military,” the Minister added.
The deployment of such technologies is part of a strategy to enhance the effectiveness of defense operations and reduce risks for military personnel.