Part of the revenues from the frozen Russian assets in the European Union will go to the supply of ammunition for Ukraine, which will be purchased by Czechia, the Minister of Defense of the country Jana Černochová wrote on the X network on August 20.
According to Černochová, such a decision was approved by the European Union.
"In this way, we can purchase hundreds of thousands more units of large-caliber ammunition, which Ukraine desperately needs. This is another proof of the allies' trust in Czechia and our ammunition initiative," the Czech Defense Minister wrote.
Část příjmů ze zmrazeného ruského majetku v EU půjde na dodávky munice pro Ukrajinu, kterou pořídí Česká republika. Rozhodla o tom Evropská unie. Můžeme tak pro Ukrajinu nakoupit další stovky tisíc kusů tolik potřebné velkorážové munice. Je to další důkaz důvěry spojenců v Českou…
— Jana Černochová (@jana_cernochova) August 20, 2024
During the European Council summit in February 2024, Czechia introduced the initiative to supply Ukraine with artillery ammunition purchasing it from non-EU countries. Thanks to the Czech ammunition initiative, 100,000 rounds of ammunition were planned to be delivered to Ukraine during July and August.